compuCORE partners with local, regional and national industries to provide:
- Basic Research
- Applied Research
- Prototype Production
- Commercialisation of new and innovative software products
This mutually benefits SETU Carlow, our industrial partners and the South Eastern region. It allows industry to avail of expertise within the college that would not otherwise be available to them. It allows compuCORE staff to stay attuned to the needs of Industry and it creates employment for our graduates within the region and supports the growth of the information economy locally.
Funding Opportunities
Here at SETU Carlow, we work closely alongside national funding agencies. This enables us to find the right funding model for each company who avails of our expertise. We can advise you on which funding approach will achieve the best outcomes from partnering with compuCORE. If you have a research need that you think we can help you achieve then please contact us for advice on how to proceed. There are a number of funding schemes available for companies who wish to avail of our expertise:
Innovation Vouchers
Innovation Vouchers worth €5,000 are available to assist a company or companies to explore a business opportunity or problem.
Technical Feasibility Study Grant
Grant support for undertaking a technical feasibility project into a product, technology or process development. The maximum grant is €35,000.
Innovation Partnerships
Collaborative projects between companies and research teams in higher education worth up to €250,000. Innovation Partnerships can provide up to 80% of the cost of research work to develop new and improved products, processes or services, or generate new knowledge and know-how.
Local Enterprise Office (LEO) Funding
Your Local Enterprise Office can offer direct financial supports to micro business (defined as having up to 10 employees).
Irish Research Council Employment-Based and Enterprise Programmes
These scheme allows companies to co-fund postgraduates (MSc or PhD students) who will work closely with the company. By working closely with an Enterprise Partner, researchers benefit from an enhanced research experience as well as having the opportunity to learn key transferable skills relevant to career formation.
Direct funding
From prototyping to product development, privately funded projects can deliver immediate results. Feel free to contact us to see where we can add direct value to your business.